Monday, 23 July 2018

Add States in Dropdown When Nation Is Selected | Add Values In Dropdown box Using Javascript | HTML tutorial

Code :-
            function random_function()
                var a=document.getElementById("input").value;
                    var arr=["Maharashtra","Delhi"];
                else if(a==="USA")
                    var arr=["Washington","Texas","New York"];
                var string="";
                    string=string+"<option value="+arr[i]+">"+arr[i]+"</option>";
        <select id="input" onchange="random_function()">
            <option>select option</option>
           <select id="output" onchange="random_function1()">
Dialogs :-

Hey guys, this is unpossible pog.
Today’s tutorial will be how to add values in dropdown when we select other this case we are adding states or cities in dropdown when you select contries.
First create a normal dorpdown, give it an ID as “input”.
I shall add nations in it.
Let’s check it.
Now add script tag, and create a function with any random name.
In select tag, onchange event, call the function name.
Now, the function is called correctly.
But we don’t need alert, so I shall remove it.
Lets create a variable “a” to get nation name from dropdown.
Then create division and give it an ID as “output”.
Lets print the nation’s name.
So far so good.
Now we need if else statements.
Give equals to symbol “three times”.
Add states in array.
We need a string and for loop.
We are appending the string.
Change “a” to “string”.
Let’s check if all states are coming or not.
Before and after array, add option tag in double quote.
Add name if you want to send it through form.
Add select tag inside div just to make an illusion.
So thats it guys, if you want code, then the link is in the description.
don’t forget to Like,share and subscribe. Thank you for watching, bye.