Thursday, 15 August 2019

Sublime Text 3 Bug | Solution & Avoidance Of Not Highlighting PHP Syntax

Hello guys, this is
unpossible pog here.
Today, I shall talk
about the PHP code not getting highlighted while using SUBLIME text.
I am using the
SUBLIME version 3.2.1.
As you can see, the
PHP code is not highlighted means it is in plain white color.
So I shall tell you
the solution as well as how to avoid PHP not getting highlighted.
The solution is vary
You just have to
close it and reopen it. Thats it and your PHP code will be
Although how to
avoid it is also vary easy.
Usually when you
copy-paste the code, it creates a problem as you can see.
So to avoid that,
first create empty “untitled” file, paste the code, then save it.
With that, sublime
recognizes PHP code and highlights it automatically.
Thank you for
watching, dont forget to like share and subscribe.

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