Code :
$current_date_time_sec=strtotime("2019-8-31 03:45:00");
$future_date_time_sec=strtotime("2019-9-3 00:00:00");
$hours=($difference / 3600);
$minutes=($difference / 60 % 60);
$seconds=($difference % 60);
$hours=($hours % 24);
echo "The difference is <br/>";
echo ceil($days). " days AND ";
echo floor($days). " days AND ";
echo sprintf("%02d",$hours).":".sprintf("%02d",$minutes).":".sprintf("%02d",$seconds);
This tutorial will
be about how to get difference between two dates in
days,hours,minutes,seconds format.
Lets start code with
a scratch.
You have to call a
function str_to_time, make sure to provide date-time format same as
in the video.
This function gives
the number of seconds of each date.
Now we have to
calculate the diffrence.
There are formulas
for calculating days, minutes, using seconds.
Make sure you type
them as it is.
Now the problem is,
single digit doesn’t look good, so we have to convert it using
sprintf function.
This function will
have two argument, 1st for formatting, and 2nd
for value.
I forgot to give
zero before 2.
Lets try using
different numbers.
All good.
Now 49 hours means,
2 days and 1 hour extra.
So, for that, apply
other formulas.
We have to overwrite
the hour variable.
You see that, the
days are in decimal.
So to make it easy to understand, if days are -ve, then use ceil, and if days are +ve, then use floor.
So to make it easy to understand, if days are -ve, then use ceil, and if days are +ve, then use floor.
Lets, test it using
different dates.
The code is in the
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